Eligible candidates

The eligibility criteria for evaluation experts are stipulated in two legal documents – the Polish Act on Higher Education and Science (Article 259(4) and Article 272(2) in connection with Article 274(2)); and the Ordinance of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science of 27 September 2021 on evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools (item 1 of §5(2)). According to the Act on Higher Education and Science, eligible candidates include individuals who:
- can demonstrate significant scientific or artistic achievements
- have an impeccable reputation and follow the principles of ethics in science
- have not been found guilty, under a final and non-appealable court decision, of violating Article 115 of the Polish Act on copyright and related rights of 4 February 1994
- hold a doctoral degree or higher qualifications
- actively contribute to research, which can be proven by significant accomplishments
- are under 70 years of age before being appointed as experts by the chairperson of KEN
- fulfil the following requirements (as specified in items 1 to 5 of Article 20(1) of the Polish Act on Higher Education and Science):
- have full legal capacity
- enjoy full citizen’s right
- have not been found guilty, under a final and non-appealable court decision, of committing an intentional offense or a tax offense
- have not been found guilty of any disciplinary offense
- were not employed by, did not serve in, and did not collaborate with the security services specified in Article 2 of the Act of 18 October 2006 on disclosure of information on documents of security services between 1944 and 1990 and the content of such documents (Polish Journal of Laws, Dz.U., of 2023, item 342) between 22 July 1944 and 31 July 1990.
According to the Ordinance of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science of 27 September 2021 on evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools (item 1 of §5(2)), eligible candidates must demonstrate proficiency in the English language, enabling them to actively engage in the evaluation process conducted in the same language.
Additional requirements:
- experience in teaching or being engaged in teaching doctoral students (details on previous and ongoing projects, forms of involvement, etc.)
- experience in evaluating doctoral schools / doctoral education systems in other countries.
Non-eligible candidates

Candidates holding the roles and positions listed below are not eligible to become experts:
- a rector
- the head of an institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- the head of a research institute
- the head of an international institute
- the head of the Nicolaus Copernicus Research Center
- the head of a doctoral school or a representative appointed to manage a doctoral school
- a member of the Polish Accreditation Committee
- a member of the Council for Scientific Excellence
- a member of the Science Policy Committee
- the president and the vice president of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- the chair and the vice chair of General Council for Science and Higher Education
- the Secretary General of Nicolaus Copernicus Academy.
Furthermore, a specific doctoral school cannot be evaluated by an evaluation team member who:
- is employed by an entity responsible for the operation of that specific doctoral school
- teaches in an entity responsible for the operation of that specific doctoral school or in that specific doctoral school
- participates in the midterm evaluation conducted in that specific doctoral school
- has a conflict of interest not specified in items 1 to 3 above.