When preparing information that concerns this area, entities must remember that the evaluation team conducts the evaluation according to the following detailed evaluation criteria that are specified in §2.2 of the ordinance of the Polish Minister of Education and Science of 27 September 2021 on the evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools:
- the accessibility and unequivocalness of the rules of verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF,
- the transparency and reliability of the process of verification of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF,
- the reliability of the process of enhancement of learning outcomes verification methods for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF.
Entities should thoroughly explain the process of verifying learning outcomes at their doctoral schools for qualification at level 8 of the PQF. The process should be understood in a broad sense, not only including the verification of learning outcomes at particular times and levels, but also the development and ongoing improvement of verification rules based on the doctoral school’s experience, and changes in socioeconomic conditions or technological advancements.
Entities should demonstrate and discuss their actions that aim to ensure high standards for learning outcome verification and high levels of learning outcomes that are required for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF. Describing how the entity’s staff members are involved in the verification process and what tools they use is also essential.
Entities may also present other important information regarding the verification of learning outcomes achieved by doctoral students, such as the verification of the outcomes beyond the traditional exam and pass format.
The entities’ descriptions should conclude with self-evaluations.
Doctoral schools’ rules of verification of learning outcomes required for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF should be provided as suitably labeled PDF attachments. The files must be submitted in both the Polish and English languagrd. If no appropriate documents are available, entities may explain the reasons, in which case the evaluation team will analyse the rules during their inspection.