When preparing information on this subject, entities must remember that the evaluation team conducts the evaluation according to the following detailed evaluation criteria that are specified in §2.1 of the ordinance of the Polish Minister of Education and Science of 27 September 2021 on the evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools:

  1. the adequacy of the learning outcomes specified in the curriculum with respect to learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF);
  2. the adequacy of doctoral students’ scientific and artistic activities and the adequacy of promoting the results of such activities specified in individual research plans with respect to learning outcomes for qualification at level 8 of the PQF;
  3. the manner of implementation of the curriculum and individual research plans to achieve learning outcomes for qualification at level 8 of the PQF;
  4. the manner of implementation of the interdisciplinary education process to achieve learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF;
  5. the reliability of the curriculum improvement process that is geared towards the enhancement of its adequacy with respect to learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF.

Entities are required to present their curricula and individual research plans briefly, clearly outlining their assumptions, creation rules, methods for enhancement, and processes for modifications. The information should focus on curricula and plans that are/were implemented during the years to which the evaluation pertains. Entities must demonstrate that the curricula and plans, as well as their implementation (which includes doctoral students’ scientific or artistic activities and the promotion of their results), guarantee the achievement of learning outcomes at level 8 of the PQF in the areas of knowledge, skills, and social competences.
Special emphasis should be placed on how interdisciplinary education processes contribute to achieving those outcomes. Interdisciplinarity should be viewed not merely as a feature of a doctoral school, but as an educational philosophy that integrates doctoral students into processes that focus on the solutions to particular research problems and the exploration of diverse aspects of the world. Additionally,  discussion and illustrative examples are required of the acquisition of transversal skills by doctoral students—such as critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem-solving, risk assessment, and decision-making—as well as skills that relate to conducting scientific activity. These are crucial for the career progressions of researchers in both academic and nonacademic environments.

Entities may also provide other information that is relevant to the evaluation of the adequacy of curricula and plans with respect to level 8 of the PQF.

The entities’ descriptions should conclude with a self-evaluation.
The curricula should be provided as suitably labelled PDF attachments. The files must be submitted in both the Polish and English languages. 

The evaluation team will analyse individual research plans during the evaluation inspection. The plans will be selected randomly.